Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Balaam's donkey vs. the Golden Calf: A Comparison

The siddur starts with the prayer "Mah Tovu", which comes from a passage in Numbers where the prophet Balaam, following King Balaks orders, sets out to curse the Israelites. Instead, Adonai changes Balaam's speaking to him through the mouth of Balaam's ass! (that is, his donkey). Remember this: God speaks to someone through the mouth of a donkey; a talking donkey. Now, flashback to the infamous "Golden Calf" episode in Exodus, where the Israelites create their own idol made of gold. We all know how this turns out: the Israelites are cursed (actually only scolded) for falling back on such a pathetic spiritual crutch, namely, a golden calf.
But let's change one thing: supposed God spoke to the Ancient Israelites through the mouth of the golden calf, and said (with full intent to freak them out), "what are you people doing?? I'm a golden calf! I am not your true God! Get out of here, you bums! You're embarassing me!" What would be their reaction then?
God has shown that he likes to test the Israelites. Imagine how the Israelites might have redeemed themselves by reacting to golden calf that mocks and scolds them, rather than an angry Moses, who destroys the written law at their feet. The possibilities are intriguing.